For this Tombstone Tuesday, I have posted another photograph of a grave in the Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery, and this picture is another view of the Rolason Family tombstone I posted last week. I do not have any additional information on the family other than that this view is for the children of a D. M. and M. A. Rolason. Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: Another View of the Rolason Family Stone
For this Tombstone Tuesday, I have posted another photograph of a grave in the Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery, and this picture is another view of the Rolason Family tombstone I posted last week. I do not have any additional information on the family other than that this view is for the children of a D. M. and M. A. Rolason. Enjoy!
Google Analytics Report For November 2009
The top ten countries, in number of visits, are:
- United States - 61 visits
- Canada - 5 visits
- Netherlands - 4 visits
- United Kingdom - 3 visits
- Malaysia - 3 visits
- Germany - 2 visits
- Russia - 2 visits
- Greece - 2 visits
- Singapore - 1 visit
- France - 1 visit
- Michigan - 13 visits
- Indiana - 12 visits
- California - 6 visits
- Texas - 4 visits
- North Carolina - 3 visits
- Pennsylvania - 2 visits
- Florida - 2 visits
- Oklahoma - 2 visits
- Virginia - 2 visits
- Kansas - 2 visits
- November 2009 Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted! - 4 views
- Searching For My Ancestor's Grave: A Wild Goose Chase, Part Two - 2 views
- Searching For My Ancestor's Grave: A Wild Goose Chase, Part Four - 2 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: A Munn Family Stone - 2 views
- Google Analytics Report For October 2009 - 2 views
- Looking For A Cemetery in Michigan? Here's A Place To Look - 1 view
- 3rd Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 1 view
- Searching For My Ancestor's Grave: A Wild Goose Chase, Part One - 1 view
- Tombstone Tuesday: A Grave Of A Stout Ancestor - 1 view
- Michigan Cemetery Atlas - Revisited - 1 view
December 2009 Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: A Rolason Family Tombstone
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
50th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: More Views of the Weller Tombstone
For this Tombstone Tuesday, I've included another image of the Weller family tombstone in Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery that I have been posting for the past few weeks. Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: And Another View of the Weller Family Tombstone
Monday, November 9, 2009
49th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Belated Tombstone Tuesday: Another Weller Family Tombstone
As I promised last week, here is another photograph of Weller family tombstones in Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery. This tombstone of another view of the tombstone posted in last week's Tombstone Tuesday, and it appears that it is for a Prudence Weller. As you can see, the writing is disappearing, and I think that is due to the grave maker being composed from marble. (I think it is marble, but I could be wrong.) Anyhow, I don't have any other information on this person other than from what is on the marker because I am not related to this family.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
48th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
November 2009 Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted!
Google Analytics Report For October 2009
The top ten countries, in number of visits, are:
- United States - 64 visits
- Netherlands - 4 visits
- Germany - 1 visit
- Canada - 1 visit
- United Kingdom - 1 visit
- (Not set) - 1 visit
- Michigan - 25 visits
- Indiana - 12 visits
- California - 4 visits
- Texas - 3 visits
- Maryland - 2 visits
- Tennessee - 2 visits
- Arkansas - 2 visits
- Arizona - 2 visits
- Virginia - 2 visits
- Louisiana - 2 visits
- Looking For A Cemetery in Michigan? Here's A Place To Look - 15 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: A Jacobs Family Tombstone - 8 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: Weller Family Tombstones - 6 views
- Michigan Cemetery Atlas - Revisited - 4 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: A Munn Family Tombstone - 4 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: A Taylor Tombstone - 3 views
- October 2009 Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted! - 3 views
- This Blog is Over a Year Old! - 3 views
- September 2009 Archive - 2 views
- Searching For My Ancestor's Grave: A Wild Goose Chase, Part 2 - 1 view
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Searching For My Ancestor's Grave: A Wild Goose Chase, Part 5
Sitting at the desk inside the home was a woman, and we explained that we trying to uncover the burial place of our ancestor. We mentioned that our ancestor had died in either 1940 or 1942, but weren't certain of the date because we did not have the death certificate. (To obtain a death certificate from the city of Detroit, where our ancestor had died, you had to have the exact date of death, and at the time we did have his exact date of death. I would eventually obtain his death certificate, but that would not be until some months later.) We also mentioned that his body was transported from Detroit to the Three Rivers area, but we did not know which cemetery he was buried in. It was possible that he was buried south of Three Rivers, but that was only speculation. We gave the woman the name of our ancestor, and she looked to see if the funeral had any records of him. She did not find any records, but she explained what records a funeral home might have of a burial. She also called the sexton of Riverside Cemetery in Three Rivers to find out whether or not our ancestor was buried there, but the sexton mentioned the farthest any Oswalt had been transported to the cemetery was from Grand Rapids. (That man happened to be the father of our ancestor.) In addition, the cemetery did not have any record of our ancestor being buried there.
After hanging up with the sexton of Riverside Cemetery, the woman asked if there were any other possible places he could have been buried. We mentioned that Centreville was also a location suggested, and I think I mentioned that one of our ancestor's wives was buried in the main cemetery. The lady suggested that we check with the sexton of that cemetery to see if he was buried there. (I forget if she offered to call him for us. Either way, she had helped us out immensely, and I am grateful for the assistance she gave us. I do remember that the county clerk had given me the phone numbers of the sextons in the county, and I think I mentioned that we had the number to the cemetery.)
After thanking the woman, we went back to the car, and my grandmother called the sexton of the Prairie River Cemetery. He wasn't at the cemetery, but he did agree to meet us at the cemetery. After the call, we head to the cemetery.
In the next post, I will write the story about our meeting with the sexton of Prairie River Cemetery in Centreville. Until then, enjoy, and stay tuned ...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: Weller Family Tombstones
For this Tombstone Tuesday, I am posting another photograph of tombstones from the Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery in Livingston County, Michigan. This time, the photograph is of several tombstones of the Weller family. As I am not related to this family, I do not have further information on them other than from the pictures I took of the tombstones. I will post more detailed images of the tombstones in the future. Enjoy!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
This Blog is Over a Year Old!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: A Munn Family Stone
For this week's Tombstone Tuesday, I am posting another photograph of a grave in the Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery. This time, the tombstone is of a Prudence C. Munn, but unfortunately, I don't have any further information on her outside of what is on the tombstone. Enjoy!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: A Jacobs Family Tombstone
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Google Analytics Report For September 2009
The top ten countries, in number of visits, are:
- United States - 63 visits
- Unknown (not listed) - 5 visits
- Netherlands - 2 visits
- United Kingdom - 1 visit
- India - 1 visit
- Russia - 1 visit
- Michigan - 25 visits
- Indiana - 10 visits
- California - 5 visits
- Kansas - 3 visits
- Ohio - 3 visits
- Virginia - 3 visits
- New York - 2 visits
- New Mexico - 1 visit
- Wisconsin - 1 visit
- Maryland - 1 visit
- Looking For A Cemetery in Michigan? Here's A Place To Look - 12 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: Another Placeway Tombstone - 10 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: Another Oliver Family Stone - 5 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: A Moore Stone ... Revisited - 5 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: An Oliver Family Tombstone - 5 views
- Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery - 4 views
- Michigan Cemetery Atlas - Revisited - 3 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: Elizabeth's Stone - Revisited - 2 views
- 46th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 2 views
- Google Analytics Report For August 2009 - 2 views
October 2009 Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Belated Tombstone Tuesday: A Gedley Tombstone ...
Although I'm a day late in posting this week's Tombstone Tuesday, I still wanted to do a post. For this week's edition I have posted two photographs of the same tombstone from the Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery. I believe the grave is for a William Gedley, but I am not completely sure as the surname above died isn't very clear. Outside of what is on the tombstone, I do not have any additional information. Enjoy!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
47th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: A Taylor Tombstone
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: And Another Hodgeman Tombstone ...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
46th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: And Another Hodgeman Grave ...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Belated Tombstone Tuesday: Another Hodgeman Family Tombstone
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Google Analytics Report For August 2009
The top ten countries, in number of visits, are:
- United States - 63 visits
- Netherlands - 4 visits
- Canada - 1 visit
- United Kingdom - 1 visit
The top ten states in the United States, in number of visits, are:
- Michigan - 21 visits
- California - 7 visits
- Indiana - 6 visits
- Kansas - 4 visits
- Virginia - 4 visits
- New York - 4 visits
- Ohio - 3 visits
- Illinois - 3 visits
- Texas - 3 visits
- Georgia - 2 visits
The top ten articles, in number of views, are:
- August 2009 Edition of the Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted! - 17 views
- 29th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 10 views
- Looking For A Cemetery in Michigan? Here's A Place To Look - 8 views
- Michigan Cemetery Atlas - Revisited - 5 views
- Google Analytics Report For July 2009 - 4 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: A Placeway Tombstone ... - 4 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: Elizabeth's Stone - Revisited - 3 views
- 45th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 2 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: A Sunken and Broken Tombstone - 2 views
- 12th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 1 view
Well, that is it for this month's report. For those who read my blog, "Thank you for reading!" Hopefully, by next month's report, I'll have posted part 5 of the search for my ancestor's grave. I'll try to post it as soon as possible. Stay tuned ...
September 2009 Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: Another Placeway Tombstone
For this Tombstone Tuesday, I have posted two photographs of another Placeway tombstone in the Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery. The top photograph is a closer view of the writing on the marker. Unfortunately, I cannot make out the first name on the stone. All I know is that this a tombstone for a son of a Joseph and Addie Placeway, and I do not have any further information on the family. I'll have to look and see if a cemetery transcription was done on this cemetery to see if this person's name is listed.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: A Sunken and Broken Tombstone
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: A Placeway Tombstone ...
For this Tombstone Tuesday, I am posting two photographs of a tombstone from the Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery. This marker happens to be the tombstone of a Mercy Placeway, who has one of the last names that makes up part of the cemetery's name. In the photograph that is zoomed in more, you can seen that there is some small print listed below the inscription, but unfortunately, I cannot make out what it says. Other than that, the tombstone is in excellent condition.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: Elizabeth's Stone - Revisited
For this Tombstone Tuesday, I am posting two images of a tombstone that I had previously shared on this blog. As you can tell, this grave is for a woman named Elizabeth, but unfortunately I cannot make out who her husband was. I would have to do some research to figure out what her last name was. I posted two photographs so that you might be able to remember my first post on this stone. Enjoy!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Google Analytics Report For July 2009
The top ten countries, in number of visits, are:
- United States - 78 visits
- Netherlands - 5 visits
- Canada - 1 visit
- Australia - 1 visit
The top ten states in the United States, in number of visits, are:
- Michigan - 33 visits
- California - 8 visits
- Ohio - 6 visits
- Virginia - 5 visits
- New York - 5 visits
- Kansas - 4 visits
- Oklahoma - 3 visits
- Indiana - 2 visits
- Illinois - 2 visits
- Minnesota - 1 visit
The top ten articles, in number of views, are:
- Looking For A Cemetery in Michigan? Here's A Place To Look - 17 views
- July 2009 Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted! - 14 views
- Michigan Cemetery Atlas - Revisited - 9 views
- Searching For My Ancestor's Grave: A Wild Goose Chase, Part One - 2 views
- 43rd Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 2 views
- 44th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 2 views
- Google Analytics Report For June 2009 - 2 views
- February 2009 Archive - 2 views
- March 2009 Archive - 2 views
- April 2009 Archive - 2 views
Well, that is it for this month's Google Analytics report. To my readers, thank you for reading! Stay tuned for next month's report!
August 2009 Edition of the Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted!
Friday, July 31, 2009
45th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: A Moore Stone ... Revisited
Sunday, July 26, 2009
44th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: Another Oliver Family Stone
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: An Oliver Family Tombstone
For this Tombstone Tuesday, I have included two photographs of a tombstone in the Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery that I posted before. I added the second photograph so that one could be able to read the inscription. This tombstone memorializes the deaths of two children of the Oliver family who died in the 1850s. Unfortunately, I do not have anymore information on this family.
43rd Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Friday, July 10, 2009
A Cross-Posting: History Being Destroyed ...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: Clarissa Hodgeman's Tombstone - Revisited
Thursday, July 2, 2009
July 2009 Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Google Analytics Report For June 2009
The top ten countries, in number of visits, are:
- United States - 56 visits
- Canada - 5 visits
- Netherlands - 2 visits
- United Kingdom - 2 visits
The top ten states in the United States, in number of visits, are:
- Michigan - 24 visits
- California - 4 visits
- Virginia - 4 visits
- New York - 4 visits
- Ohio - 3 visits
- Georgia - 2 visits
- Maine - 2 visits
- Kansas - 2 visits
- Alabama - 2 visits
- Indiana - 2 visits
The top ten articles, in number of views, are:
- Michigan Cemetery Atlas - Revisited - 7 views
- June 2009 Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted! - 7 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: More Placeway/Whitcomb Stones - 6 views
- Looking For A Cemetery in Michigan? Here's A Place To Look - 5 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: Shelhart Family Graves - 4 views
- May 2009 Archives - 3 views
- Searching For My Ancestor's Grave: A Wild Goose Chase, Part One - 2 views
- March 2009 Archives - 2 views
- My Goals For This Blog ... - 1 view
- Searching For My Ancestor's Grave: A Wild Goose Chase, Part Four - 1 view
Well, that is it for this report. To my readers, thank you for reading my blog! Stay tuned for next month's report! Enjoy!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Just A Little Note ...
(Also, as a side note, this post happens to be my 101st post for this blog! Thank you to all those who read this blog!)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: More Placeway/Whitcomb Stones

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: A Square Stone

Monday, June 1, 2009
Google Analytics Report For May 2009
The top ten countries, in number of visits, are:
- United States - 82 visits
- Netherlands - 9 visits
- United Kingdom - 1 visit
- New Zealand - 1 visit
- Hungary - 1 visit
- Canada - 1 visit
- India - 1 visit
The top ten states in the United States, in number of visits, are:
- Michigan - 39 visits
- Ohio - 10 visits
- Virginia - 10 visits
- California - 6 visits
- New York - 3 visits
- Kansas - 2 visits
- North Carolina - 2 visits
- Mississippi - 1 visit
- Alabama - 1 visit
- New Jersey - 1 visit
The top ten articles, in number of views, are:
- Michigan Cemetery Atlas - Revisited - 5 views
- May 2009 Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted! - 4 views
- Looking For A Cemetery in Michigan? Here's A Place To Look - 3 views
- Forgot To Mention: 21st Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 3 views
- 32nd Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 3 views
- 33rd Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 3 views
- 37th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 3 views
- 39th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 3 views
- 40th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 3 views
- Google Analytics Report For April 2009 - 3 views
Well, that is it for this month's report! To my readers, thank you for reading! Stay tuned for June's report next month. Enjoy!
June 2009 Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
42nd Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
41st Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
40th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Friday, May 29, 2009
39th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
38th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
37th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Another Belated Tombstone Tuesday: Another Broken Stone

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
36th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
35th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Friday, May 22, 2009
An Award!
- Dorene of Graveyard Rabbit of Sandusky Bay
- Greta Koehl of The Graveyard Rabbit of Northern Virginia and The Graveyard Rabbit Afield
- Diane of The Graveyard Rabbit Travels Wright
- Thomas of The Graveyard Rabbit of New York Rural Cemeteries
- Colleen of The R.I.P.P.E.R.S
I hope this award brings attention to other Graveyard Rabbit blogs, and thank you again, Pam for the award! Enjoy!
34th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Belated Tombstone Tuesday: More Placeway/Whitcomb Graves

33rd Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Monday, May 18, 2009
32nd Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Friday, May 15, 2009
30th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: Elizabeth's Stone

29th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
28th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Friday, May 8, 2009
27th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
26th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: Random Stones From Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery

For this Tombstone Tuesday, I am posting another photograph of tombstones in Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery. Unfortunately, the quality of the picture is terrible and I didn't look very closely at these graves, so I do not know whose is buried under these markers. I'll have to go back to the cemetery and take a closer look. Hopefully, I will get a chance to do so soon.
Monday, May 4, 2009
25th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
24th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Google Analytics Report for April 2009
The top ten countries, in number of visits, are:
- United States - 87 visits
- Netherlands - 5 visits
- Canada - 5 visits
- United Kingdom - 1 visit
The top ten states in the United States, in number of visits, are:
- Michigan - 28 visits
- California - 14 visits
- Ohio - 12 visits
- Texas - 3 visits
- Virginia - 3 visits
- Illinois - 3 visits
- New York - 3 visits
- Florida - 2 visits
- Kansas - 2 visits
- Connecticut - 2 visits
The top ten articles, in number of views, are:
- Michigan Cemetery Atlas - Revisited - 10 views
- 20th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 6 views
- 2nd Edition of the Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted! - 5 views
- Forgot To Mention: 21st Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 4 views
- Looking For A Cemetery in Michigan? Here's A Place To Look - 3 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: Shelhart Family Graves - 3 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: A Grave Of A Stout Ancestor - 2 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: A Stook Gravestone - 2 views
- 21st Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 2 views
- Belated Tombstone Tuesday: A View of Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery - 2 views
Well, that is it for this report. To my readers, "Thank you for reading!" Stay tuned for May's results. Enjoy!
May 2009 Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Edition Posted!
23rd Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
22nd Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: A Moore Tombstone

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Forgot To Mention: 21st Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: A Hodgeman Marker

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: And Another View of Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery, Again

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
21st Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: Another View of Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Google Analytics For March 2009
The top ten countries, in number of visits, are:
- United States - 88 visits
- Netherlands - 6 visits
- Canada - 2 visits
- United Kingdom - 2 visits
- Russia - 1 visit
- Philippines - 1 visit
The top ten states in the United States, in number of visits, are:
- Michigan - 41 visits
- Virginia - 6 visits
- Ohio - 5 visits
- California - 4 visits
- Missouri - 3 visits
- Georgia - 3 visits
- Arizona - 3 visits
- Louisiana - 3 visits
- Minnesota - 2 visits
- New York - 2 visits
The top ten articles, in number or views, are:
- Searching For My Ancestor's Grave: A Wild Goose Chase, Part Four - 7 views
- Michigan Cemetery Atlas - Revisited - 4 views
- 18th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 4 views
- 20th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 4 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: A Stook Gravestone - 4 views
- Update On Searching For My Ancestor's Grave - 3 views
- 19th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 3 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: A Closer View of an Oswalt Grave - 3 views
- Looking For A Cemetery in Michigan? Here's A Place To Look - 2 views
- 13th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 2 views
Well, that is it for this month's report. To my readers, "Thank you for reading!" Stay tuned for April's results next month. Enjoy!
Belated Tombstone Tuesday: A View of Placeway/Whitcomb Cemetery

2nd Edition of the Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
20th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
19th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: A Closer View of an Oswalt Grave

As you may have noticed, I haven't posted any Tombstone Tuesday posts for the last couple of weeks, and that has been due to the fact that I have been busy and forgot to do posts ahead of the time. But, I've remembered to do one for this week, and so here is this week's Tombstone Tuesday.
The photograph above was taken in Riverside Cemetery in Three Rivers, and is a closer view of the Oswalt tombstones I posted a couple of weeks ago. Again, I do not have any known connections to this Oswalt, but I took a picture of his grave during my first visit to Riverside Cemetery to make sure that I had taken a photograph of all the Oswalt graves in the cemetery.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
18th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Searching For My Ancestor's Grave: A Wild Goose Chase, Part Four
We arrived at the library, and went over to the desk to ask one of the librarians about the funeral home records. The librarian claimed that the library did not have the funeral records, and then demanded to know who told us about the library's holding of old funeral records. After explaining that one of the funeral homes had informed us about the old records, the librarian informed us that she did not know anything about them. (Whenever I recall this incident, I always cringe because I feel we probably asked the questions in the wrong way, thereby angering the librarian. Of course, I could be wrong, but I still believe the fault probably lies with us. So, when I think about this, I always feel embarrassed because I feel we could have possibly avoided offending the librarian.)
After talking to the librarian, we went over to the local history room, and I was able to find the funeral records. Unfortunately, I discovered that the funeral records only covered the decades of the 1910s and 1920s and not the 1940s, as we needed.
So, with the determination that that lead was a dead end, we decided to visit the other funeral home on the list I was given. In the next post, I will write about our visit with the second funeral home. Stay tuned for the next post ...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
17th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Graveyard Rabbit Online Journal Posted!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
16th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: A Stook Gravestone

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Google Analytics Results For February 2009
The top ten countries, in number of visits, are:
- United States - 126 visits
- Canada - 9 visits
- Netherlands - 9 visits
- Sweden - 2 visits
- United Kingdom - 1 visit
- Estonia - 1 visit
- France - 1 visit
- Iraq - 1 visit
The top ten states in the United States, in number of visits, are:
- Michigan - 50 visits
- California - 16 visits
- Ohio - 14 visits
- Georgia - 7 visits
- Texas - 5 visits
- Wyoming - 4 visits
- Florida - 4 visits
- New York - 3 visits
- Utah - 3 visits
- Illinois - 3 visits
The top ten places in Michigan, in number of visits, are:
- Hamburg - 19 visits
- Muskegon - 6 visits
- Southfield - 4 visits
- Lansing - 4 visits
- Dearborn - 2 visits
- Battle Creek - 2 visits
- Westland - 2 visits
- Bay City - 2 visits
- Eastpointe - 1 visit
- Grand Haven - 1 visit
The top ten articles, in number of views, are:
- 12th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 16 views
- Google Analytics For January 2009 - 15 views
- Looking For A Cemetery in Michigan? Here's A Place To Look - 9 views
- I Keep Forgetting To Mention This ... - 7 views
- 9th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 7 views
- Michigan Cemetery Atlas Revisited - 7 views
- 14th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 6 views
- 15th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 6 views
- Searching For My Ancestor's Grave: A Wild Goose Chase, Part Two - 5 views
- 11th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 5 views
Well, that is it for February's report. To my readers, I just want to say, "Thank you for reading!" Enjoy!
1st Edition of the Graveyard Rabbits Carnival Posted!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Update On Searching For My Ancestor's Grave
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
15th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: Shelhart Family Graves

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
14th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: Other Unrelated Oswalt Graves

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
13th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: A Closer View - The Schultz Graves

Last week, I posted a photograph that gave an overview of Adam Oswalt's grave and his daughter and son-in-law. For this week's post I am posting a picture that gives a closer view of Adam's daughter and son-in-law's graves. Adam's youngest daughter was called Mertie (I'm assuming this was a family nickname), and she married a Charles Schultz in 1895. Mertie is buried between her father and husband in Riverside Cemetery in Three Rivers, Michigan.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
12th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted!
(Just as a little note: I was supposed to go this week, but I did not get my column in in time due to being busy, so I'll probably be going next week.)
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday: Overview of Oswalt Graves in Riverside Cemetery

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Google Analytics Results For January 2009
The top ten countries, in number of visits, are:
- United States - 175 visits
- Canada - 16 visits
- Netherlands - 3 visits
- United Kingdom - 1 visit
- New Zealand - 1 visit
- Spain - 1 visit
The top ten states in the United States, in number of visits, are:
- Michigan - 69 visits
- Ohio - 13 visits
- New York - 11 visits
- Utah - 11 visits
- California - 10 visits
- Mississippi - 10 visits
- Illinois - 6 visits
- Oregon - 6 visits
- Virginia - 6 visits
- Arizona - 5 visits
The top ten articles, in number of views, are:
- 8th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 18 views
- Some Wintertime Cemetery Thoughts ... - 11 views
- Michigan Cemetery Atlas - Revisited - 10 views
- Searching For My Ancestor's Grave: A Wild Goose Chase, Part Three - 9 views
- Looking For A Cemetery in Michigan? Here's A Place To Look - 8 views
- Saginaw City Cemetery Transcriptions - 8 views
- 9th Meet A Rabbit Column Posted! - 7 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: The Other Side of the Minnis/Oswalt Stone - 7 views
- Searching For My Ancestor's Grave: A Wild Goose Chase, Part One - 6 views
- Tombstone Tuesday: Another Beard Cemetery Grave - 6 views
Well, that is it for this report. Tune in on March 1st to view the results for February. Enjoy!